He broke my heart, honestly. I was so surprised when he responded that way. I should have guessed something was up, cause he was a WONDERFUL host on our previous tour.
Very sad to read. Sorry you found someone so bull-headed about open discussion @catherinebleish. All best on the rest of the tour! Wish y'all were swinging back by NH this time :)
@voluntary - the issue has gainen enough publicity that I think long term it became a net positive. No official meetup, but lots of conversation inspired and we will give out free dash here in Vegas despite him :)
He broke my heart, honestly. I was so surprised when he responded that way. I should have guessed something was up, cause he was a WONDERFUL host on our previous tour.
Very sad to read. Sorry you found someone so bull-headed about open discussion @catherinebleish. All best on the rest of the tour! Wish y'all were swinging back by NH this time :)
We will find a way there soon enough!
I've encountered that unpleasant individual in the comments of Roger Ver's facebook posts. I truly hope you succeed in working around this obstacle.
@voluntary - the issue has gainen enough publicity that I think long term it became a net positive. No official meetup, but lots of conversation inspired and we will give out free dash here in Vegas despite him :)
Lol...how far we've fallen...