The Countdown To Our New Bitcoin Web Class Has Begun

in #bitcoin4 years ago (edited)
Countdown terminated on Nov 12, 2020, 12:00 PM

Hi there Bitcoin fans.

Our first ever Bitcoin Foundation Skills web class will begin soon with just 10 seats available.

btcf banner.jpg

If you know someone who has yet to take their first step into crypto, if they've been sitting cautiously on the sidelines for fear of making a mistake, getting it wrong or being scammed, this is their invitation to get in safe and get in right.

According to the top crypto scam in the last 30 days has netted over $56m from investors. I'm very sad to say that those people would still have that money if they had invested more in their education.

I don't know what that money would have otherwise gone to.

  • Kids college fund?
  • The dream home?
  • The dream car?
  • The dream vacation?
  • An easy retirement?

Instead it's gone to some thief who will be spending it on fat cigars and expensive champaign, probably at the very moment you are reading this.

With this live interactive web class, each week they'll have their hand held step by step as they go from zero to making and saving money with full confidence and no stress or anxiety.

Click here for full course details

So please forward this on to anyone you know, friends, family or business associates that have been wanting to get into crypto in a safe and simple way.

If they enter the code 'hive' at the checkout it will give them 10% off.

From your partner in success,


Founder of Cryptoversity, the worlds first online school for Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchains

Countdown terminated on Nov 12, 2020, 12:00 PM
