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RE: As Bitcoin Breaks All-Time Highs Near $18,000 Its Future Has Never Been So Uncertain

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin did a lot of good for the world. It introduced blockchain technology and it's creating disruption for many industries. Will Bitcoin be around for the long run, I can't say for sure. Bitcoin introduced blockchain, but that doesn't mean blockchain can't be around without Bitcoin. Bitcoin will be replaced by another more advanced tech (maybe Litecoin or Ripple?) unless it changes drastically. It made crypto popular, but people won't be willing to pay high transaction fees to use it. If anything, Bitcoin is great to make more secure dapps but for transactional purposes, no thanks. Thank you for what you've done Bitcoin, but I'm going to start looking at other coins for investment and use. :)


True. Blockchain is here to stay regardless of what happens to Bitcoin.