USI tech offers average of daily 1% commision of Bitcoin investment

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Good morning from Japan!

First off, like to be completely transparent with this post. There are a few posts on Steemit about USI and some are more well written than others. Either way, will do my best to present what I know and what I have gained thus far, and any opinions I may have. Disclaimer: Read, invest, and manage your money at your own discretion. Any gains or losses are based on your own decisions based on best analysis of available information. Understand there are sceptics and others that may have alternative opinions and I cannot speak to their thoughts. This post only serves to provide information and to the best of my ability and knowledge, it is truthful and valid. I take no responsibility for gains, and or any loss you may receive.

For a bit of personal background, I got into dabbling with cryptocurrencies back in Feb of this year. That was after a buddy of mine had been telling me for months. Of course I paid more than I would have liked for my 1st bitcoin, but I did catch Ethereum at a relatively decent price. Think we are in the infantile stages of market adoption globally, and glad I got going when I did. Since then I have acquired more bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, stellar, ripple, siacoin, dogecoin, maidsafe, antshares soon to be NEO, digibyte, among others at various price points. Some better than others, some quite good, a couple I could have done better with, some bought for the long term, some for the short. Bottom line, I have skin in the game and have been in the green since day 1 in the cryptocurrency realm. I am also invested in stocks, bonds, gold and silver, and various other vehicles. I have owned real estate in the past, but not now. My next goal is to buy a small set of apartments here in Japan and to buy a few key spots that can be leveraged for things like AIRBNB. Perhaps in Bali, Thailand, or the like. End of the day, looking to acquire more assets that can pay me passive income once running on all cylinders. The above coupled with my normal job have allowed me to live a debt free life, put quite a bit of money away, pay for my education, trips around the world, drive nice cars and live in great places, and enjoy my life. I just look at the below as an additional option to fuel that fire.


I was put onto USI by a great friend of mine of over 20 years. He is a store owner of a successful Vape shop here in Japan. His work with the shop and bitcoin has allowed him to quit his full time gig which he was making around $130k a year. Not a bad salary, but he is making quite a bit more with the others so why not focus on them.

So, my buddy was clued in my another guy who was making a decent amount from USI. He had met some of the executives from the company and had said they had a solid plan and platform. USI had been around for a bit but only dealing arbitrage trading in the FOREX market. Then, with changing times they decided to come up with a trading solution that was bitcoin centric. They began to offer that solution back in very late 2016.

Your bitcoin will be used by USI's trading algorithm for 140 consecutive weekdays. You transfer your bitcoin in and buy packages on the USI site. Each package is worth 50 euros. USI utilizes the Euro as their base trading currency. Each package's price will be determined by the current value of bitcoin to the Euro. If bitcoin is up then you will get more value when you purchase packages and end up getting more packages. Once packages are purchased then they go active and USI's trading algorithm will trade with the 50 euro increments available. The volatility in the market is actually good for trading where the system buys low and sells high hundreds if not thousands of times a day.

You will get a daily payout paid in BTC of give or take 1% of the amount of packages being utilized. For those that do not have a full bitcoin to invest, you can use only portions of a bitcoin to get started if that is all you can afford. You just need enough to buy a 50 euro package with whatever that value is for that day in bitcoin. You have to have a wallet that you can transfer bitcoin in from, or you can pay with 2pay4you, or your Payza account. There is a 3% transfer/funding fee associated with your BTC transfer/buy. It is what it is. Paid it with minor consternation.

The interesting thing that my buddy noted was the ability to rebuy additional packages with his daily commission. Once he had enough BTC in his payout tab, he set his profile to automatically rebuy another package. So instead of running 10 packages the next day, he would be running 11 packages. And then instead of getting 1% on 10 packages, he was getting 1% on 11 packages. He continued to do this and each day the daily payout continued to grow due to the compounding and new higher daily payout being paid. Then he did an experiment to ensure that he was able to get his BTC back out of their system and back to his personal BTC wallet. He was able to do that and decided to invest another 5 or 6 bitcoin in. He continued to talk it up a bit and I decided to have a look.

I too started with 1 bitcoin and let it run about 10 days. I saw the consistent returns of about 1%. Not always above and not always below, but right about 1%. I decided to go in another 1.4 bitcoin. This allowed me to gain enough to do at least 1 package rebuy a day. So far, my payout after about 15 days is .2133 BTC. Bear in mind that only a portion of that has been running for 15. The other packages have been added either by me adding BTC or by doing a package rebuy.

Based on loose projections, and if the market continues to be somewhat volatile then I can expect to double or more than double what I have put in. Also, if the value of BTC goes up significantly while my BTC is running, that isn't a bad thing either. I still get current market value on my payout of 1% daily.

I am not recommending USI for a very long term investment. From folks smarter than me on this in the market they think it will be good for a run of about 3 years.

So, the only reason I bought into this was that I could put my BTC in a let it run. I didn't need to do anything else. I didn't need to sign up anyone or do anything. I am not into pyramid or Ponzi schemes and have never been one to push anything like that. I was offered one a while back, called, Firefan, a pyramid gaming app. I turned that away in a heartbeat. With USI, you didn't have to push this to anyone or attempt to be a new car salesman.

With that said, there is room for additional payout with USI.
They do offer some incentives to those that add to the customer base of the USI product. There is a tiered approach to the percentages and the payouts and they vary based on how many packages a person that you sign up to the system purchases. To be honest, I have only told about 3 people thus far and 1 has signed up. He is still waiting for a good price on bitcoin to buy in his first set of packages. Either way, its a good thing for him if he does. And if he doesn't, it doesn't matter to me since my BTC's are continuing to run. I did meet with folks from USI when they came out to Japan. My buddy set up a meeting with them, and we did a Q&A session. Their take was, and to quote them, the product is making them a lot of money. If current members bring more folks into the circle, then their view is that the guy out promoting the product should get something out of it. But they definitely were not pitching it from a pyramid perspective. And I don't want to focus much on that aspect of it on this post.

So, hope I painted a decent picture of the USI product. Could go into more detail but think this is a good start. I don't know the exact specs on the trading software and how the algorithm works. I think the timing is good to look at a solution like this as somewhat more conservative investment solution for the near term 1-2 years. At the end of my 140-170 day run, I will reevaluate if I will continue or pull some of my BTC out to invest in other things. The photos below are some of the shots of my day to day earnings from the USI app. The screenshot of my USI dashboard shows the percentages of the payouts I have received. USI once again has a app that you can monitor your account with, but the settings and payments need to be made thru their website.

For those that may want to have an additional look please do:

Welcome comments, or anything I may have missed. Or any other ideas you might have to help us all out.
Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone. Wish you only the best in your endeavors to be financially free.




great post I gave you a follow!

Thanks much and good luck!

This sounds interesting...
you sure it's legit?

Initially I was somewhat skeptical myself. But that was also the case, for my thoughts on buying bitcoin, etc. in the first place. Now, obviously, I am glad I did. And I am confident in the same regard for this vehicle. My buddy, who I spoke of in the post, just took his wife to Taiwan, first class, all expenses paid, from the commission he has gotten from USI. And that was only a weeks worth for him. He gains about 2 to 2.5 bitcoin a week. He has told a ton of folks, a lot of them his previous Vape customers, about USI and gets some commission for them, but that is his way. He is a great salesman and has no issues talking it up. That isn't my way. I am a bit more conservative in my ways and with my money. I believe this to be a good vehicle once again for the short term and will re-evaluate after at leasts 155 days at the moment. Reason for 155 is because I did a rebuy yesterday and need to let that package run for 140 days. I will continue to do rebuys for the next 100 days or so. My guess is my 2.4 bitcoin will end up around 5-6 bitcoin at the end, maybe more. And that is just letting it run and not having anyone sign under me. My buddy has 2,000 folks on his account and he gets a bit from each one every time they buy a package. Once again, great for him; I am good with having my bitcoin work a bit for me regardless. If someone wants to join in as well, happy for that. But this post was focused more on spreading a bit of information.

I really like USI-Tech. It is working for everyone I know. I have been earning 1% Bitcoin every weekday since I joined in June.