USI Tech withdrawl experiment

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Happy Monday evening from Japan!

So I have around 6.4 BTC running with the company USI Tech and their trading platform. I have posted some previous discussions on their product and how it works. I am still seeing great, well, I think pretty great gains for doing pretty much absolutely nothing. The thing just runs and runs and bitcoin keeps showing up in my account.

Often times I have heard it is easy to put BTC into companies that run these kinds of trading options on your behalf but when it comes time to get your BTC back out then it is like pulling teeth. SO, I decided to do a little experiment. As you can see from the photos below I pulled out .1 BTC on the 2nd of September which at the time was going for around $460 and change dollars. Initially, on the USI withdrawal page it will say pending. After a few hours of waiting, it went to approved. And after around 20 hours or so on the 3rd the transaction popped into my Exodus wallet, as you can also see below.

All in all the process is easy, but seems that if you need the BTC right away then you need to plan ahead. Overall, I am not displeased with the time it took which was around 18 hours. Can't call the timeframes that the network would allow for on both ends. If you were interested in trying out USI but had concerns that you wouldn't be able to get your BTC out, I hope that I have put that one to bed. I did the .1 BTC amount because I was rather confident it would go thru. I may transfer a bit more out to make some other trades, but all in all I plan to keep doing the rebuys that allow for a greater daily payout. Between the wife's and my accounts, we are now averaging about .14 BTC a day. Last week was a .65 week so about $2900. This will only continue to grow as I keep reinvesting my payouts at the tune of 140% payout after 140 days.

If you want to give it a shot please try the link below.
You can start out with as little as $66 or so worth of bitcoin.

Hope this post was of value for some that may have been on the fence regarding this great earning platform.



USI withdraw2.jpg

usi withdraw.jpg


USI-Tech is a ponzi scheme, I hope you get your money back from the platform, $60000 is a fair chunk to lose when they scam you.

Personally, I wouldn't be encouraging anyone to "invest" in this scam