@haejin, thank you for teaching us and showing us your thoughts. However, I think you should do atleast a small amount of research on any coin before posting these predictions. PlexCoin is a KNOWN scam, and the founder was fined and jailed for it. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qvzkx7/plexcoin-scam-founder-sentenced-to-jail-and-fined-10k
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Update your info please: https://t.me/plex_live
Oh and they are already listed in CoinMarketCap :-)BTW, I am in Canada and this is what I get where I try to open their site (I am not in Quebec, but close to it) http://prntscr.com/hzbf7n
He does'nt care about the news, just the price so the chart.