Content type: long, expert/technical
Awarded 4 out of 6 owls:
Good job!
Details: The citation and sources owl was not awarded since the pictures require sources. In addition in text citations are absent. The originality owl was not awarded since it requires that the content is explained in a creative/novel way.
Note: This post was not upvoted since it was past its payout date. Instead this post was upvoted
Hey @mathowl!
Thanks for stopping by and owl-curating one of my posts! I feel honoured, and I'm grateful. I'm happy to see that the posts met the standards of 4 owls! :)
Since there seem to be some shortcoming in the citation and sources department, please allow me to do the citation and sources owl some justice.
I always try to include all necessary sources but thought that a fully blown APA standard might be an overkill. Maybe I'll get there since I feel like transparency is crucial. Also, I think every source deserves the credit.
So... why didn't I include the sources?
Thanks again for taking time to curate my post. I feel honoured and appreciate your feedback!
I'm hoping to see your owls again on another blog post of mine.
Keep up your excellent work and have a great day!
Cheers - @sblue
Good job. If you use CC0 images it is also nice to include the photographer/creator since it might lead to extra exposure for them. :o)
I absolutely agree! 👍Will do so in the future!