Digital currencies are intangible and can only be owned and transacted in by using computers or electronic wallets which are connected to the Internet or the designated networks.
In contrast, the physical currencies, like bank notes and minted coins, are tangible and transactions are possible only by their holders who have their physical ownership.
Thanks for you for your comments.
Nice point...@maxi01
You are welcome...
Wonderful explanation like @abajnath
I am thankful for your reply..But @abajnat gives very nice explantion @roki112
Excellent thought ...@maxi01
Thanks ..
Best regards !!!!!!!
Agree with you @maxi01. You are right.
I also agree with you ..
Diggital currency is always my favourite. And i'm happy as sir @abajnath's tradebits gives us a huge bonus.
Right sir @abajnath always give us nice info about great offer of tradebits
Helpful infor....@maxi01