The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has announced that it investigates whether it has the right to control Bitcoin and other digital currencies, Reuters reported."We look into the matter", CFC Acting Chairman Mark Veten said, it has been started, internal discussions were held at the staff level.CFTC, which regulates swap and futures market, is studying whether Bitcoin will fall in the same way as the commodity market, according to Vetzen. He said:
"I think [inside CFTC] people believe that it is a clear argument that it will abide by that definition."
The problem remains
"Then there is a separate question whether or not some derivative contracts here, based on a virtual currency, or denominated, that are listed in an exchange," Wetjen said, adding that the details of the problem would be considered.Vetzen says he can not predict the outcome in the discussion or can not give a deadline for the rule. In a statement before the US Senate Committee, Chairman has already spoken about CryptuCurUbers:
"Virtual currency [...] is currently taking new risks, because an institution will interact outside the bank's payment channels, increase the risk of hacking or fraud, among other cybercurity issues. CFTC is working with the registrars who want to educate their virtual practice of virtual currency Wants to accept. "
Change attitude
This week, Bitcoin will follow the New York State's recent decision to regulate exchange.Referring to the collapse of Matt, Guex and other exchanges, New York's Superintendent of Financial Services, Benjamin M. Lalky, have announced that the applicants for the digital currency exchange represent a formal commitment to the state regulatory process by submitting.Legalstream says that this business will be regulated under New York rules, it may happen in mid-2014.Vetzen's comments seem to show that this resolution is much more in the United States, which will be a bit of a bitcoin business as a relief for the lack of discipline.
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