๐ BTC vs ETH vs STEEM 
๐ Bitcoin price on October 14 , 2017 was $5675 and today at 7:00 AM EST $17,250 on GDAX . Bitcoin has increased in value $11,575 or 203.96% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 3.4% in the price of Bitcoin.
๐ Ethereum price on October 14 , 2017 was $343.00 and today at 7:00 AM EST $689.00 on GDAX . Ethereum has increased in value $346 or 100.87% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 1.7% in the price of Ethereum .
๐ Steem price on October 14 , 2017 was $1.08 and today at 7:00 AM EST $1.79 on Bittrex. Steem has increased in value $0.71 or 65.74% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 1.09% in the price of Steem.
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Imagine Steem with the market cap of Bitcoin .. Mamamia =D
what your opinion on sbd price right now it's 12$
I'm currently 1sbd = 11 $ what my news really is
useful information ... looking at these figures, I am once again convinced that the crypts are very volatile and despite this, those who are ready to wax in them and wait will necessarily receive a profit
All depends on the charts and what they say is going to happen. Crypto is so hot at the moment. But oddly enough there are still so few people in the grand scheme of things that actually know about it... These next few years are going to be awesome that is for sure... I can't wait to what types of profits the future brings...