Interview with Fabian Ojeda (CEO of CelCoin)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

  • How is CelCoin different from other digital currencies that currently circulate in the market?

-We solve a real problem in the crypto ecosystem, Bitcoin, Blockchain, altcoins as I call it, that until now has spoken very rarely in Spanish to the Spanish-speaking public, in whom we have focused much of our marketing, in saying that CelCoin is the first 100% Hispanic-American cryptocurrency.

But more than that, CelCoin is the only cryptocurrency born with adoptability and immediate usability in a large community of crypto holders and physical and online merchants to be from the first day effective digital here and now.

Going deeper into this, since 2016 when we started the idealization of the project to create a new cryptocurrency, we discovered that the crypto ecosystem had several shortcomings, detailed in our WhitePaper by CelCoin.

The first and perhaps the most risky breach, the mixture between SPECULATION, AMBITION AND FRAUD, that is, desires to repeat the "Bitcoin gold fever" that occurred between 2012 and 2013 at all costs, offering unviable, poorly focused and / or fraudulent projects , resulting in more than 90% of current cryptocurrencies do not meet the initial philosophy of the creator of all this, Satoshi Nakamoto, expressed without a doubt in the first sheet of the Bitcoin White Paper that you DiarioBitcoin officially translated for Bitcoin. org.

Unlike that 90% of speculative cryptocurrencies, CelCoin is born fulfilling this philosophy, a cryptocurrency supported by the trust generated by a Blockchain network, enhancing its technological development, but at the same time becoming a means of electronic payment of real goods and services. tangible through a model of adoptability and immediate usability in a large network of users crypto-habientes, physical and online businesses that accept it as money, becoming from the first day as it says its slogan, in "Digital cash here and now! "

The second major flaw of the crypto ecosystem is the WRONG APPROACH OF MISSION AND VISION IN ITS DEVELOPMENT since most cryptocurrency developers have done so from a technological base, denying the reality that, after all, the intrinsic value of a cryptocurrency is not the code but its usability as a value and exchange, as a means of payment, as a business opportunity; seen in this way, something as simple in the code as the little supply has caused many cryptocurrencies to be valued very quickly and then be operationally impossible to accept in a real market of goods and services as "money".

CelCoin will have a total of 840 million coins and its own ecosystem in charge of controlling its medium-term valuation that will allow the development of commercial hardware that is easy to adopt in the long term, so that it is what Nakamoto really wanted for cryptocurrencies. "A cash system electronic user to user ".

To summarize, it is the first time that the ideals, mission, vision, objectives and development of a cryptocurrency is based on a total integration of the ideological, technological, commercial and financial elements, empowering it as digital cash here and now just as Satoshi wanted. Nakamoto will be carried out.

-How is the CelCoin work team constituted? Could you tell us a little about the work trajectory of its members?

-Our team and collaborators is structured in two groups. A first group that is the "Executive or Corporate", which adds more than 150 years together in business development, advertising, marketing, information technology and communications and above all Blockchain technology, whose main function is to establish and develop the strategic plan that allow defining mechanisms through which the development of the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin can be achieved; Here we mainly have a Hispanic-American Blockchain developer called Avalon Blockchain that works from Spain, Mexico and Argentina; a software development team in Colombia led by engineer Luis Varderrama, and a management and administrative team headed by the publicist, marketer and businessman Fabian Ojeda, his server, here in Colombia.

The second group of work is made up of the "advisors" or consultants, a multidisciplinary group, made up of more than 30 Hispanic-American professionals and leaders in different business areas: legal, commercial, networking, marketing, social media, multimedia design, among others. who have been verified as honest and committed to the transparency and philosophy of the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin and who support and support the implementation of work plans on the ecosystem and also help in the dissemination and implementation of the business model to new adopters crypto holders and commercials.

  • In which countries is CelCoin present? How has the commercial receptivity been in them?

-Our initial market has been Latin America mainly Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Argentina and Spain; we have presence in almost all Latin American countries; However, there are already cryptographers in Portugal, Canada, France, the United States, Brazil and China and not only Latinos, I am referring to Europeans, Anglo-Saxons and Asians.

In the same way, the commercial receptivity of CelCoin is just beginning, people are understanding our philosophy as something "different" as a "reborn" of the Nakamoto revolution that seems to be losing with so much speculative cryptocurrency, in that sense there are already several businesses accepting it as means of payment in Colombia, Panama and Mexico, some of them online stores ready to dispatch products and services paid with CelCoin to more than 100 countries.

In our Road Map we have talked about the start of the international expansion of the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin in 2018 and that is what we are doing now, creating an international commercial legion that seeks adoptability and usability with new crypto-habitants and businesses.

  • Realizing that it is a cryptocurrency that was born in Colombia, how have they managed to handle the different legal scenarios that the country plaques in relation to trade and the use of cryptocurrencies?

  • In Colombia there is a great adoption of cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology that starts from official and banking entities. Within the framework of LaBitConf2017 that took place in Bogotá between December 4 and 5, where the directives of CelCoin were present, the public was able to see it.

The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications and the Bank of the Republic belong to the Consorcio R3 dedicated to the development of Blockchain databases in the financial system; In addition, the private banks headed by Bancolombia, Davivienda and Grupo Aval have also begun to adopt Blockchain technology in their operations and products. The main public university of Colombia, the National University has started to create its own Blockchain research and development laboratory.

All this creates a favorable environment to develop Blockchain-based businesses like CelCoin in the country, especially when the national government has ruled that cryptocurrencies can be used by natural persons and businesses that adopt them, although it has also warned about its volatility and left in the responsibility of the adoptive communities the possible losses of capital derived from this.

In our RoapMap we have clarified that the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin will carry out its strategic plan to seek in the medium term a state support within a regulatory framework. Since the first days of this year, the team of legal consultants of CelCoin are already working on it.

  • By the end of last year they had launched an ICO. Was the originally stated goal met? How much capital did they raise?

-On the ICO we can say that we only take the denomination from that model. CelCoin was born in the traditional model with which not only Bitcoin was born, but also the first great altcoins such as Litecoin, Ripple and even Ethereum; since through the financing and sponsorship from CELSA, the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin was from September 20, 2017 day that we placed our Blockchain online, an ecosystem 100% operational and functional.

In this sense, we talked about the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin at the time it placed the cryptocurrency on the 1st of October 2017 for future adopters. There was already the cryptocurrency code, its own Blockchain with a global network of nodes installed in several countries. , which allowed us to operate from the very first day very efficiently mining and transactions between users through a cold wallet in SO Windows and Linux, and a block and transaction browser; What I want to say is that unlike more than 90% of current cryptocurrencies, we invest first in the whole ecosystem and after giving an initial consensus value to the cryptocurrency we start selling it to the adopting community.

Therefore, there was never a goal to be achieved and the collection in what was really a presale has served to capitalize on the development of the ecosystem through marketing campaigns in different media and the technological and business development in general of the crypto ecosystem. CelCoin For example, CelCoin is already the official sponsor of Bitcoin Latin Fest, a great event that was born in Colombia for the world seeking the adoption of the crypto ecosystem; We are also cryptocurrency of payment for tickets, exhibitors and speakers.

-What do you intend to invest the money collected in the campaigns recently carried out?

-We have always indicated that 100% of the pre-sale revenue will be delivered to the crypto ecosystem of CelCoin; the development of it is its main project, which is why 40% of the proceeds are spent (development of our online portfolios, mining model in the cloud, Blockchain explorer, our own exchange service and our mining pool).

A 20% will be invested in conjunction with other entrepreneurs in the development of a franchise business model called BitsPoints that will be the first centers of experience in cryptocurrencies in the world.

A 20% will be invested to launch with CELSA an ambitious project called The Coin Project Bank, which will be implemented from February 2018.

And the final 20% will be devoted to marketing development plans to seek to grow in the adoption and usability of CelCoin in crypto holders and e-commerce developments that accept digital currency as a means of payment.

To conclude, we want to make it very clear that CelCoin moves away completely from the speculative models, multilevel schemes and pyramid schemes that many other initiatives propose. We want the future CryoCoin Crypto-Readers to understand mainly this, what we are, what we are fighting against and especially in the Latin American region, where our countries have been hit by so much fraud.


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Fabian Ojeda is scammer (estafador)