Telegram will launch its own blockchain platform and its cryptocurrency called "Gram".

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Telegram wants to give a twist to the world of instant messaging by launching its own blockchain platform and its own cryptocurrency, called Gram. The interface will double the Open Network of Telegram and is based on an improved version of the Blockchain technology.

The objective of the Telegram cryptocurrency would be to have a native payment and transfer system that can not be controlled by governments or banking institutions.

Users of the platform could buy, sell and exchange goods, services and make micro-payments without depending on exchange rates or paying commissions. If popularized, it would be a cryptocurrency of great value in the market.

Telegram should not be for a bootstrap of several years, as is the case with most of the new platforms, and this is because the telegram application already works with 180 million users.

Telegram has a four-stage plan that includes things like:

TON DNS: A service to assign easy-to-read names to people's wallet addresses. With this technology, accessing decentralized TON services will be like accessing a web page.

TON Payments: A platform for payments and micropayments that can be used between people or interacting with bots in Telegram.

TON Blockchain: The proposed blockchain of Telegram consists, in reality, of a master chain and 292 chains designed in such a way that it is very scalable. New blocks would be generated almost immediately and the transfers would be almost instantaneous. It is assured that it is capable of sustaining 1 million transactions per second. The design would also allow mining but using less processing power.

TON Services: a platform for third parties to create applications and intelligent contracts in a decentralized way based on the blockchain.

If the plans of Telegram go well, the idea is that it happens as with Bitcoin, that at the beginning it is cheap to buy Grams so that it is revalued and from there, exchange it for a traditional currency.

Some experts believe that Gram is nothing more than the best idea they have achieved in Telegram to get the most out of their application. It is expected to see the technical details of Gram, especially the initial price by which users can buy this currency.


This will be huge!