How can I earn Bitcoin legitimately?

in #bitcoin7 years ago


By and large, today’s Bitcoin and cryptocurrency millionaires all have one thing in common– hold on to it!

Laszlo Hanyecz, a Florida computer programmer, made history in 2010 by paying with Bitcoin for a Papa John’s pizza. Today, the 10,000 BTC Hanyecz used to pay for his purchase are worth over $60 million. This being the case, Hanyecz and Papa John’s can both lay claim to being Bitcoin millionaires, thanks to being early adopters of cryptocurrency.

Early Adoption in 2018 Vs. Finding a Way to Earn Bitcoin

Thanks to phenomenal profits realized by early adopters of cryptocurrency, many investors and traders attempt to emulate the same profit strategy. Namely, by buying, holding, and waiting to become fabulously wealthy.

Sadly, it is unlikely that people who buy increments of Bitcoin or collect Satoshi’s from Bitcoin faucet apps will ever realize dreams of becoming millionaires.

There are now over 1,500 forms of cryptocurrency on the market
Coin prices become increasingly volatile and appreciate more slowly, as more coins arrive on exchanges
Lagging mainstream adoption of top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin makes it unlikely that new currencies will rise to the same kind of prominence nearly as quickly
Thankfully, there is a much more lucrative way to invest in cryptocurrency. Namely, by finding a way to earn Bitcoin and other coins, just like regular fiat cash.

Start a Business & Join the #PayWithLitecoin Campaign

Earning free Bitcoin from Bitcoin faucet apps simply isn’t viable for most people. However, if you have a real world or e-commerce business, it is now easier than ever to start earning cryptocurrency. Specifically, by participating in campaigns like the current #PayWithLitecoin campaign.

Drives by the Litecoin Foundation to encourage broader adoption of Litecoin, now see businesses able to benefit from free advice and support when setting up Litecoin payment gateways and real-world points of sale
Announcing to the world that your online or real-world business now accepts cryptocurrency, is a fantastic way to market products and services
Altcoins like Litecoin can be easily converted into Bitcoin
Earn Bitcoin Directly Using Shopify

Shopify is the world’s leading resource for dropshippers.

Dropshipping itself is where entrepreneurs identify and buy products at wholesale prices from places like Alibaba. Entrepreneurs then use Shopify to create online stores which they direct traffic to use the likes of Facebook ad campaigns. Much more importantly, Shopify already offers built-in support for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency payments.

Setting up a Shopify store where people can pay with Bitcoin is less risky than setting up a regular fiat cash store. – Namely, because there is never any risk of customers committing chargeback fraud
As well as being able to earn Bitcoin using Shopify, entrepreneurs can gain direct access to the very lucrative emerging cryptocurrency economy
If entrepreneurs earn Bitcoin and HODL funds, they will be much more likely to benefit from significant returns should the Bitcoin price increase
Earn Bitcoin by Learning how to Trade Cryptocurrency

High net worth individuals largely dominate cryptocurrency trading. However, it is possible to become a successful altcoin trader, even for individuals with little capital or experience.

Investors can look for altcoins which are low in price, but which have a history of following the price of Bitcoin when the markets are bullish
Ideally, investors should buy coins like NAV and DigiByte low (and during Bitcoin price pull-backs)
Investors should sell coins whenever Bitcoin retests a former all-time high and either keep or reinvest their profits
The critical thing to note with regard to trading is that traders who don’t research coins or who have poor discipline will usually lose everything they invest. In this case, never trade unless you are certain you know what you are doing.

Earn Bitcoin by Creating Appealing Online Content

In recent years, platforms like Youtube have made quasi-celebrities and all-out millionaires out of thousands of content creators.

Sadly, it is becoming harder than ever to make it big on places like Youtube. The good news, though is that the Steemit blockchain powered platform Dtube, can make earning cryptocurrency altogether easy.

While Steemit and Dtube content creators can’t earn Bitcoin for publishing content, they can earn Steem Dollars. Moreover, SteemDollars can be easily converted into Bitcoin at several exchanges. All that content creators need to focus on is the creation of engaging content which will result in as many viewer likes and up-votes as possible.

When You Have the Time, Claim Coins from Faucets

The easiest way to earn cryptocurrency is to claim coins from faucets. But as stated, it’s not the most profitable. But, if you use your time correctly it can pay off. The only thing you really are investing in is your time. So rather than playing some game while you are bored or waiting around choose to earn some bitcoin or altcoins.

What is a crypto faucet? Crypto faucets are websites allow you to earn small amounts of Bitcoin and Altcoin just by solving the captcha for the recognition (and exclusion) of any bots. Unfortunately, many faucets are just a waste of time because they do not pay or dispense too small amounts of cryptocurrencies.

There are some websites that are worth their time. One of the most popular is . Generally, you will be able to claim something every 5–60 minutes. You can also claim every 60 Minutes for a chance to win up to $200 in BTC. They also offer a Dice Game, Mining, and Weekly Lottery.

Crypto faucets are certainly not the most profitable way to earn crypto. It should be seen as an alternative method of playing digital games that do not reward you. So instead of playing hours of some game each month you can invest that same amount of time with faucets and make $100 or more each month with crypto. And remember, you can exchange your crypto for other coins such as bitcoin. Many predict the values of today are minuscule compared to what they will be in five to ten years.


Nice, but you should highlight the title of each section to make it easier for us to read.
Highlight using up to five #####, followed by a space.
(### This will look like this, if I delete the brackets)

This will look like this, if I delete the brackets

Hope I've been helpful.


No problem, mate!

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