I’m not sure about Lightening Network but you may be able to set something similar up with the Robinhood app once they add all their functionality. They are advertising a zero fee service, and I am assuming 1BTC+ would not be a problem.
Sorry I couldn’t solve your issue, hope you figure something out. Cheers.
It's a huge difference between transfering bitcoin as the crytocurrency and transfering bitcoin through a site of exchange. Imagine normal transfer is that we see each other and I send u a handful of money and imagine the transfer of bitcoin is just that I send you a notepad in which I promise that I will give you this money when you will want to withdraw it.
Right. Lightning Network keeps you in control of your own BTC at all times. No one can run off with them.
that Being said, I have no idea about Robinhood. I've seen it mentioned so I should probably look into it. Thanks.