Its the natural progression of things in crypto... first we have the FOMO and then we have FUD and of course people are losing their minds the whole way along the crazy ride.
In case you are not aware BTC has made quite a bit of a run recently, now this run has awoken many to the trading cycle again, myself included.
Now somewhere between the "crypto is dead" and "we are going to the moon" there lies the truth of the matter... the difficulty is knowing WHERE it is exactly , lol.
Im always of the mind that its best to not be greedy and take what you think is safe, but there is always the question of "where is the top?" which has clearly been answered, well in this cycle at least. but what remains is "where is the bottom?"
Some say this is the bottom, others say we have to hit the 9k (USD) mark.... the doomsdayers are calling for 7k.... and to be honest each answer is justifiable if you chart enough.
Personally i have hedged my bets, taken profits and made gains on the way down, so i have a little riding on a few new points of entry... just in case the tides turn ;) not that i will be rollin in lambos if it rockets up.... maybe a second hand camry :P but something is better than nothing right ;)
Ok so lets hear it BTC Ballers, where is the bottom of this run down ?
i dont know where the bottom is, but i wish 13k aud would hurry the hell up!! haha :)
7k usd would be nice
lets see if this uptrend is going to continue or its just a bounce...