Who Owns the World’s Biggest Bitcoin Wallet?
This honor is thought to belong to bitcoin’s shadowy inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, who is estimated to have mined 1 million bitcoins in the currency’s early days. Satoshi stores his wealth in a large number of bitcoin addresses; It’s a bit of a logistical nightmare, but most savvy Bitcoin investors spread out their bitcoins across multiple wallets. That way if they lose the key to one of them or get hacked, all is not lost.
In September 2013, the FBI shut down the Silk Road online drug marketplace, and it started seizing bitcoins belonging to the Dread Pirate Roberts — the operator of the illicit online marketplace, who they say is an American man named Ross Ulbricht. Later, New York U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara announced that the government had seized 144,336 bitcoins from Ulbricht. It was the largest wallet at that time.
The largest transaction I was able to find is of 550,000 BTC! You play around with blockchain.info's tree chart and see where this more than half a million BTC went.
Bitcoin Rich List's top 100 Bitcoin addresses is the real time list of 100 largest Bitcoin public addresses. I verified some of addresses at blockchain.info and found the data to be up to date. Currently 1JCe8z4jJVNXSjohjM4i9Hh813dLCNx2Sy is the largest public address with a final balance of 124,178.00528117 BTC.
Hey, that's mine! Now if I could only find the private key from when I generated that paper wallet. Gotta be around here somewhere...
Hey, don't forget to send me some of the BTC if you happen to find the private key. Don't you remember I mistakenly sent you the coins haha?
this is what hinders me from investing more heavily in cryptos. I miss a really secure way of storage, like a trust a bank account.
I wrote a post to securely store wallet: