Bitcoin Musings

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

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So I watched Molly's Game today and in the movie which is based on a true story, the FBI decides to confiscate 4 million dollars from the protagonist's account without her knowledge. All her life's hard work, savings everything just gone and she cannot do anything about it. The system can fuck anyone anywhere. The money in the banks is never really ours. Government is tightening the control over human farms. Aadhar( biometrics-based identity program in India) is linked to our bank accounts, phone numbers, credit cards and what not. That's why we need BITCOIN - a transparent system where we don't need to handover our trust to a central authority that can fuck us over.

I know I am repeating what we all already know but it's just that when you start waking up, all you can see is how the current system is unfair and how we are free but only in our matrix world and then there is this potential of a better world shaping up with cryptocurrencies coming in. How can one not but marvel at this marvellous innovation BITCOIN?

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how do you think or your prediction about bitcoin price in 2018 whether it will be increasing or going down.
I just want to survey some people's opinions

Will go up in my opinion.

you are wright, but it wont'be easy