Cryptocurrency 24 Hours Recap

in #bitcoin5 years ago


CryptoCurrency recap

CryptoCurrency market cap rankings, posts, and more.
The following statistics are rendered from the 25 largest cryptocoins.

Market Share

The chart shows the market share of the 25 largest coins. Coins with a market share less than 5% have been grouped into "Other"

Winners and losers

Top 5 winners

Name                                Price (USD)% change(24h)
Compound305.452907749 5.69032
Chainlink4.32575399287 3.43823
Neo10.6225751044 2.58144
Huobi Token4.18415020528 1.87705 Coin0.120643796789 1.51232

Top 5 losers

Name                                Price (USD)% change(24h)
Stellar0.0698557849547 -0.371743
[UNUS SED LEO]( LEO)1.16755110294 -0.257719
Tether0.999525073721 -0.162349
Cardano0.080083178945 -0.116559
XRP0.187585494344 -0.0196836

Other great coins

Name                                Price (USD)% change(24h)
Steem0.207595209775 -1.33892
Bitcoin9392.39369427 0.214079
Ethereum233.652834051 1.07991

Coin news


Crypto Long & Short: What Changed My Mind About Bitcoin Narratives!

Is bitcoin having a good year or not? As an industry, we need to work on honing our understanding of the many narratives, and how they can influence value....

Bitcoin Only Matters Because the Game Is Rigged!

The reason bitcoin is likely to be important to the future isn't about the technology, it's about the modern world where money is abused for the benefit of the few and to the detriment of the many....

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