Forbes published an article earlier today following a discussion with publisher of 'The Global Macro Investor' Raoul Pal, he talks about how he has just sold all his Bitcoin as its crash is inevitable.
Fine, whatever - But then he goes on to state the following:
Bitcoin was supposed to be a store of value, you couldn’t mess with the formula… and now they are talking about a ‘hard fork’ changing it?
Then Stephen McBride the article writer makes the following statement:
Senior developers and miners are now contemplating a ‘hard fork’ which would split Bitcoin in-two and allow for the creation of more Bitcoins.
So, yes you could rewrite the code to allow for more coins, however this is not happening nor has it ever been suggested. At no point does he explain the reason for the potential hard-fork which we have to assume is in a pure attempt to deceive the reader
Stephen McBride your an idiot. Raoul Pal, stick to your analysis of traditional currencies and assets.
Reference: Forbes
They must have some poor publishing standards over there at Forbes, at least in this sector. I could see how a total noob may think a chain split would create more BTC but these guys are supposed to be knowledgeable.