Do it while you're young, thats what I always say
and even more so, do it while you CAN
so few people let themselves live their lives and stay stuck in a rut for a long time and then wonder why life has passed them by
Do it while you're young, thats what I always say
and even more so, do it while you CAN
so few people let themselves live their lives and stay stuck in a rut for a long time and then wonder why life has passed them by
There was a time I was basically an extremist in this way of thinking , my hedonistic outlook was that both the future and past are concepts and not even remotely as real as right now which became a pretty self-destructive attitude. I've faced a lot of death recently from a good friend of mine having a very unlikely heart attack at 25, to seeing people I've worked with full-time switching from being a conscious person to a lifeless mass, it's such a headfuck because based on my experience even the most amazing memories end up as nothing more than an imagined concept when you're writhing around in bed dying. Sorry to be so morbid but it's been a tough week and I hope for some re-assurance...
Be reassured that the path you decided for your life is yours. You can't look into other people's lives and understand any of the "now" for them because they designed that in every moment you were not present for. If there is something you want that is different that your current now, focus that into your future and move in that direction -- no one can predict what will be or will not be -- we can only imagine and that is all the mind needs to shape its reality. Focusing on what makes you "feel" terrible in these moments won't be the thing that makes you feel better or be better in the future. Morn, feel sad, feel -- maybe -- what you think could have been but move toward what you want and leave "regret" for those that don't understand that time is a man made concept and only this moment is "true".
I totally get you, I feel kind of like a drone at work everyday. Working a job I hate just to pay the bills.
Where have I heard that before??

Probably just about everyone lol
Fight club "Working a job I hate just to pay the bills."

I really need to watch more movies. It's a true statement though.
You have to pay ur bill
I ain't payin' shit... jk
Exactly, enjoy life when you are young, it may be over sooner than you think.
You only get one life, gotta make the most of it while you still can
That's for sure.