but you use your steempower, which is a reward for participating in the community and helping the network (and by extension community). You pay for SteemPOwer from your own pocket, by either buying steem or by using your time to participate here.
But you are still not paying in steem power. Steem power is just your influence in how the community spends the reward pool. It is designed with the idea that the community could govern itself. Which is kind of what's happening.
Now, you are saying that "the community does not like haejin",
Nope. Not saying that at all. I'm saying people that downvote haejin have equal right to those that upvote haejin. Everybody is part of the community. Downvoting is part of the system to valuate worth of a post.
Not an argument. "If you want to pay somebody that writes shitty poems, takes bad photographs or (insert something) then pay him from your own pocket, not the reward pool.
Ok. What I meant to say is if you feel he is not getting paid what he is worth, and if you don't want anybody to have any say in it, pay out of your own money. you argue that
...people should be able so sell their talents on free marked...
Steemit is not the free market. It is closer to a gift economy, but probably not even that. It's something different altogether. If it is not an argument that you have to pay from your own pocket, then it is not an argument that people should be able to sell their talents.
If the community doesn't like shitty poem and pictures, they have the option to downvote them. It's always there. It has been since the beginning.