AKASHA is the brainchild of Mihai Alisie, Bitcoin Magazine creator and Ethereum co-founder.
As a word, AKASHA ( [aːkaːʃə], आकाश) has roots in Sanskrit and means “ether” in both its elemental and metaphysical senses.
The ancient Sanskrit-speaking civilization envisioned akasha as a metaphysical information network connecting humanity with itself and infinite knowledge. In this paradigm, thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences are stored forever and shared through akasha, the universal database connecting multiple planes of existence.
In today’s blockchain realm, AKASHA is a social and technological experiment enabling our collective memory, feelings and ideas to echo freely throughout humanity’s existence. By fusing Ethereum with the Inter-Planetary File System, we explore the implications and applications of a permanent Web in the context of freedom of expression, creative perpetuity, and privacy for a better home of Mind.
Some of the questions we encounter often
👉 What can I do with AKASHA…?
You can publish, share and vote for entries, similar to Medium and other modern publishing platforms, with the difference that your content is actually published over a decentralized network rather than on our servers. Moreover, the votes are bundled with micro transactions so if your content is good you’ll generate value – in a way, mining with your mind.
👉 Do I need to be a computer whiz in order to use AKASHA..?
Not at all. Similar to how you don’t need to understand the concepts behind electricity in order to flip a switch and turn on the lights, we created an uncluttered user experience focused on creating and publishing content easily. All the complicated stuff happens in the background.
👉 When is the launch..?
The alpha version is already available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows and currently runs on a private Ethereum testnet. The main Ethereum network launch (AKASHA 1.0) is expected to happen around Q3/Q4 2017.
👉 Will there be a token crowdsale..?
In the first phase AETH will be a token placeholder used inside the AKASHA ecosystem. We chose to focus first on building a working decentralized application and learning from the actual use what sorts of problems we should be solving with a custom token. Depending on our findings we might do a crowdsale, but most likely not by the time we launch the beta.
👉 What technology stack are you using..?
Besides Ethereum and IPFS we use Electron, React with Redux, and Node.js.
👉 Is AKASHA going to be opensource..?
Yes. We are planning to open source the code during the beta phase.
For over two years we have tirelessly researched, designed, and developed what is now shaping to be the second version of AKASHA. Besides working on Windows, MacOS and Linux, the new version will also work from normal browsers such as Chrome and Brave, thanks to the MetaMask extension.
Following the initial releases of the beta, we are planning to open source the code powering AKASHA and run a community breakathon to find and fix the bugs that might have slipped by us during the development phase. After the breakathon is completed, depending on our findings, we will formulate a plan for the Ethereum main network launch expected to happen in 2018.
An alternative future is now within reach - a future in which our collective memory, freedom of expression and privacy is not outsourced to corporations, but back in the hands of people.
Link to AKASHA.
Thank for all friends
Coba tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Pasti kawan-kawan yang dari Indonesia bisa membacanya.
Makasih sarannya kawan,
Insyaallah kdepan akan di update dengan 2 bahasa..
Salam kenal @dsatria
Looks interesting!
Thanks... I hope that..