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RE: From "Fraud" To "Portfolio Diversification" - JPMorgan Attitude Towards Crypto During The Last Few Months

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Goldman Sachs has seemingly taken over the disinformation torch. Do a search for 'Goldman Sachs Bitcoin' and you get some gems from the past month or so.

"Most cryptocurrencies will crash to zero, Goldman Sachs says"
"Goldman Sachs Report Warns Investors of Bitcoin 'Bubble'"
"Goldman Sachs says 'the bar looks high' for bitcoin to thrive"

And then we also have...

"Goldman Sachs Says Cryptocurrencies May Succeed"
"Goldman Sachs Admits Bitcoin is Real Money"

And funnily enough, before all these other headlines...
"Goldman Sachs launching trading desk for bitcoin"

Another investment bank scared as hell, with no clear idea what to do except get on the gravy train and then issue statements to manipulate the public (and price).