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RE: BitShares (BTS) Update: Here is the Vertical Move We've Been Waiting For!!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

you might be the best


The most intuitive for sure...

I do believe that Haejin sometimes projects even better numbers than he releases, but would rather people be happily surprised at his undershot at the price than disappointed if it fell a few cents short. Not to save himself the criticism, but to be realistic about hedging his projection, seeing as no one know 100% for sure exactly where a price will land.

He is......I've been looking. Yes I'm a Homer/Cheerleader/Promoter......I don't care....that only happened because I watched and watched and watched people all over the web. I challenge anyone to find someone who even comes close to the accuracy rate and the pure gut instinct Haejin has for this market. If that person is out there, they certainly aren't showing themselves or sharing their knowledge. I won't hold my breath for the sake of not dying, but I'll be waiting.




TY for Pumping @haejin Crypto Master @scarlet7
Very happy to see success on ♨ steemit for those who share our interests😀

What's his master plan? Retire on Steemit proceeds? What if he leaves?

As Haejin repeatedly states, it is best to learn to do your own analysis. That's what he is doing... My feeling is that he will perform this Great Service for some amount of time but then stop. Life is like that. He will have provided all the necessary tools and wisdom for everyone who is willing to put in the work.

So, if/when he leaves you will say: "I was fortunate to be taught by a great Master Technician who freely shared his secret sauce with me and others in the community. Now I am able to perform my own analysis."

Perfectly stated @dmwh.

He could have retired before steemit ever came to be I believe (I don't know his bank account, I'm just guessing). The plan has always been the same. Teach others how to manage this market with a humble and grateful intention. To give back to the world for what he has learned through his lifetime. To help US.

You mean angels do exist?

Satoshi Nakamoto existed?

ME! one day ill take haejins place lol

is he the crypto jesus?