Protected by Steem

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Either you are living under the rock and are clueless about crypto, or you are one of the endless people caught in the new bitcoin dump, and you feel the need to do something radical, like sell during lows. Right now and probably more in the future weeks there will be a bloodbath on the crypto streets, and the whole point of today's post is to not panic and stay cool while losing money. How to do that you might ask yourself, I can tell you that alcohol and denial won't help. Face the reality like it is and always know that the market will recover in the future. You probably took some profits during highs and now you are protected.

If you stay cool during times like this and don't panic you will truly become a crypto veteran. I've been through so many pumps and dumps, the moons and the violent reversals, both can be very stressful. Always take some profits to stay safe in the "real world", let the speculative amount stay speculative. Even though a lot of you will lose money today, you will still earn more by blogging here on steemit, this platform will make you forget about the big losses, just keep on writing and enjoy your life.


nice post on crytocurrency ☺

I sold all my profits yesterday. You know, the radical notion of paying the bills.

Got to sell them profits for them bills. You sold your SBD's which is fine. Long live Steem :)

Steem for the win ;)

I agree, steemit was created to post blogs, to share, to learn and to educate. It feels good to think that we are here, not to benefit from selling cryptocurrencies, but from working hard by posting valuable blogs and spreading positive comments. Cheers!

One thing I can do is stay for the long haul. Long term thinking got me to where I am today, not having a boss and working for myself full time as an artist. I do feel bad for people who used credit to invest when it was up near 20K - but, those people are idiots who wanted to get rich quick. Getting rich quick isn't worth it anyway. It doesn't give you a sense of satisfaction for having made your own way. Easy come,easy go...

some profits when the markets hit ATHs.Thanks for sharing @moon32walker. I agree, I have been through a lot of similar-ish dips and held through, but taken

Esepcially when it comes to STEEM, now is not the time to sell in my opinion. There are so many innovations coming out at the moment, that if we hold through, we should all do very well.

These days it would be the stupidest thing to make that radical move and sell for low prices. I always see this kind of situations as a buying opportunity. It is natural for some coins to recover their prices very quickly.

Yes, the best thing to do if you're a day trader is to buy now and sell for quick profits during a quick bounce in a day or two. Shorting is also very profitable these days too, but that is recommended only for expert traders.

I still wouldn't dare!

Even though a lot of you will lose money today, you will still earn more by blogging here on steemit, this platform will make you forget about the big losses, just keep on writing and enjoy your life.

This is just a perfect way to end this post. Really we are protected by steem and the truth is that whatever is happening now won't last forever . Crypto has come to stay and only the steadfast and hodlers will enjoy at the end.

That is why Steem will be a huge winner in the future, by holding steem power you can always earn more.

Sta mislis hoce li se btc dici barem malo do ponedjeljka? Znam da nisi vidovnjak, ali nemam iskustva u tradeanju cryptovaluta i u krc sam s financijama pa da znam jel ima nade xD

Najbolje ti je da sam naucis trejdati, na pogreškama naucis. Svi oni koji daju savjete šta da kupiš i kad da kupiš pojma nemaju. Niko ne zna kolika ce cijena biti u bliskoj buducnosti. Drž se osnova, buy low sell high i to je to.

Meni se cini da je ova nestabilnost samo produkt premalog trzista. To se jos vise vidi kod malih valuta sa niskim market capom. Bitcoin izgubi pola vrijednosti dok SBDu se sreze vrijednost na 1/5.
Kad ljudi prestanu kupovat iz straha da ce "propustiti" i prodavali iz straha da ce "izgubiti" tek onda ce se valuta stabilizirati i izgubit ce vrijednost spekulantima. Procitala sam negdje da bitcoin mora porasti na 1 000 000 dolara da bude moguce ga koristiti ko valutu.
I ja znam neke stvari haha.

S obzirom da se može koristit u decimalama BTC uvik može funkcionirat kao valuta. Doduše BTC ima par veliki problema da zapravo funkcionira kao prava i legitimna valuta, prvi i glavni problem je velika cijena transakcije, nestabilnost valute je drugi problem, otic na kavu ovih dana i platit sa BTCom je ravno ludilu. S druge strane imamo "stabilni" SBD koji usprkos toj ideji da bude stabilan biva izložen otvorenom tržištu i tako cak i one stabilne kripto valute postaju nestabilne. Dosta tu još posla ima u kriptovalutama da postanu stabilne ka fiat valute, a kad postanu stabilne onda ce bit dosadno bavit se njima.

Da, zato kazem kad dosegne bitcoin ili neka druga kripto tu razinu da jedan ili vise investitora nemoze utjecati drasticno na cijenu i kad se povuku spekulanti koristit cemo te stosije kao valutu kojom ces kupovat kavu il nesto malo. Naravno ako sve prodje kako treba

Ostavio si me u neznanju, ali hvala na savjetu, pokusavam buy low sell high, ali kad ja kupim low onda ode jos vise low... vjeciti baksuz hahaha

A jebiga. Tako ti je to, zajebano je kupovat u opcem down trendu. Znaš da je moguce da market bude 2 godine u down trendu, dotad se oženiš, napraviš dite, zaboraviš na kripto i kad se vratiš ponovo ces bit u plusu :) A možda se sve oporavi za misec dana..

Taj scenario ni nije los :D

Vidit cemo...

Yep. Don't panic sell. HODL and even buy more if you can afford.

Excellent publication at the top of the tenderness and extravagance of the video is amazing

Cryptocurrency is the awesome....
Nice information
Liked it

Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is the best way to earn money
And thank you for giving us the information
Will wait for your next post

Nice .... I'm new steemit. Please follow me and vote me please... please

If you sold now, you will lost everything. During the bloodbath wake, crypto guys need a strong hand to survive.

Thanks @moon32walker. These panics means a cheap buying opportunity for cryptos. Now is probably the time to get steem power up cheaply. As the steem platform grows, so will its value.

"How to do that you might ask yourself, I can tell you that alcohol and denial won't help. "

Are you sure? 😄

Hodl and you will be rewarded in the end. It is simple as that, but sometimes it is not so easy to withstand emotional rush.