in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hello world,

This has been the most talked about and debated question this past few weeks. We also had that SegWit2x called off, for reasons unclear. To be honest the whole thing is unclear, I am not a technical guy, not a programmer or an engineer, I'm just your average Joe, all I wanted was to bypass banks and be in control of my own finances!

Bitcoin provided that to me and it was a solution that worked, well until the network charges sky rocketed and it was taking ages to complete a transaction due to full blocks. So then came the solution to the problem, Bitcoin Core dev's came up with a solution, SegWit! it would chop up the blocks into smaller pieces, and thus creating a remedy for bulging blocks.

I have to admit when the first SegWit came about (scroll down and read my response to the various forks), and the whole news about a fork to Bitcoin Cash, I was mad! The news that I read on r and other internet sources, painted Roger Ver and Jihan as people who were out to kill the coin that we loved so much, maybe a bit too dramatic. But that was what it was a great big drama!

Then SegWit2x came about, I decided enough was enough I had to do a bit of investigation, I actually decided to DO MY OWN RESEARCH!

What I discovered, was the complete opposite to what I had thought or the impression I got all this while. I watched debates of Roger and people from Blockstream. Did a bit reading and heard both sides of the story, their ideas and their arguments. It was a fascinating journey to say the least. And if you are a newbie, please do so too!

I have to say now in public, that I apologise to Roger and his Bitcoin Cash initiative and as of today, I am 100% behind you!! However, this is not an irrevocable show of support, the caveat is as long as you hold to the principle of Satoshi, you will receive my support!

Keep Bitcoin safe, Keep Bitcoin Real.

Bitcoin Cash IS the REAL Bitcoin !!

Onwards and Upwards.
