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RE: Bitcoin Dead Price Wise?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

We all need to keep some perspective. Investing in cryptos right now is like investing in new internet companies back in the early 90's. Sure many of those companies didn't make it, but the underlying technology lived on to prosper. Blockchain is not going anywhere. There was recently a calculation for savings expected for just the banking industry in the US of $39B annually. Those selling now at a bottom will surely be disappointed in a serious life changing way when they look back at their missed opportunity.

I have a subscription to the top financial newsletter focussed on cryptos and the blockchain revolution. There was an article this week about a guy who was able to purchase 15,000 bitcoins early on at $0.3 each. He sold them in 2013. Later on he couldn't take the regret of missing $150M upside and ended up taking his life. Just buy, hold and forget about them. No regret is necessary.