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RE: Bitcoin Smashes Through $18k... and Now $19k As Insane Jim Cramer's "Kibosh" Threat All Hot Air

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Am I the only one who perceives J Cramers body language as a guy who's constantly got his many chins folded down in an overall fidgety posture of someone who really needs to take a poop and is about to crap their pants?Probably because he's full of sh**. I'm always surprised to see him on national television much less giving financial advice when he has a zero accuracy rate. Here's some places I wouldn't be surprised to see J Cramer though:
An episode of COPS being arrested for having a dead hooker in the trunk of his car.
YouTube video showing him screaming at a school bus full of young kids.
A mug shot on the news having been arrested for possession of cocaine and driving under the influence.
The news again at a Clinton foundation fundraiser.
In short, the guy is clearly imbecilic and certainly has no place giving financial advice. What a bloody moron.