I can see where you're coming from in regards to the capabilities of our governments. It becomes easy to see and feel like we're dealing with all omnipotence just going on what we know from the capabilities of any current agency, to the weirder side of things like DARPA and IARPA's current research, as well as to the old days of the long standing documented success of the remote viewing projects that the Department of Offense undertook with the Stanford Research Institute. It's real easy to allow the idea in that goverments are controlling it all because for the most part they do. I don't believe that's the case with cryptocurrency but it doesn't mean that eventually a way won't be found. For my part I feel that at the moment it's the best way to resist. If it becomes taken over then I'll just shift to another. It is a great write up and thought provoking as well so cheers. :)
Thank you for the reply. I hope crypto is the real deal also. We are all living in crazy, weird and very interesting times, many blessings too you