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RE: Gallup: Only 2% of U.S. investors own Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

If you consider how many (FEW) people have physical gold for investment/trade purpose (not just fancy necklace or ring), Bitcoin/other crypto's are doing really well after couple of years.

And if you consider gold being here for thousands of years, always been a "vehicle to carry value", and having a physical feel (many people needs to hold in their hand what they own), Bitcoin and crypto's are doing extremly well.

And if you consider gold doesn't have the huge crowd of those which missed the train by years, shouting "BUBBLE", "SCAM" and "PONZI" in every article about crypto's (without knowing shit about crypto's) , it's almost impossible what Bitcoin and crypto's have achieved with such a stiff opposition of masses trying to torpede it and in a such short period.


Yeah, i agree with you, It will take a lot of time now to reach the massive crypto.

You didn't get my point at all.
Point is that what already crypto's have achieved is more than physical gold did in thousands years.