Better Than Bitcoin: Fantastic 5

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Priest of Bit.jpg

Recently, when one of my friends was at church, the priest talked about Bitcoin during the sermon. It's no secret that religion and money run hand in hand; Crusades, I'm looking at you. However if a spiritual community leader is talking about it - shit just got real.

The incredible popularity of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2017 is of course, directly tied to its The Flash-esque rise in price and its success as the asset, currency, or investment to beat. With rocket gains at near 2000% in 2017, no other investment comes close. If you got $100 worth of Bitcoin in 2010, it'd be close to $100 million now. Wtf are these "Fantastic 5" I speak of? What am I smoking? More importantly, will I share? Let's get to it.

For the noobs, definitions are in order. An investment = not just a “money” thing. It's not just about profits, getting paid for Friday night or gains. An investment is a commitment to something you believe in. It's something you want to support not only financially, but in spirit too. It's money, effort, work, time, and other untouchable resources. You can put down those itchy triggered fingers now.

Here are the five investments you should prioritize over Bitcoin:


Investing In Your Physical Health

Before you scream, "BORING!" or "Here we go... " Give me the first three sentences to make my point.

How many of you haven’t slept for a full 8 hours in the past month? If you are deep into the Bitcoin and digital currency lyf, I would say about 99% think sleeping is for the weak. I'm not gunna lie, I love the tea the market spills by the hour. It makes better television than a Maury Povich season finale. But, experts say people who sleep less than the recommended 7 to 8 hours per night are more likely to suffer from a host of chronic conditions; cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, diabetes and even dementia. You literally go crazy for crypto! What is the point of accumulating wealth if you will end up suffering disease and illnesses? Medical bills are a thing. A sucky and expensive thing.


Investing In Your Mental Health

Let's see if any of these 4 things apply to you...

  1. Checking on the price of Bitcoin and your altcoin portfolio much?
  2. Constantly checking Reddit and other often toxic social media sites?
  3. Working in a Blockchain startup and constantly on the edge due to uncertainty about your company’s future?
  4. Did you put a lot of money in an ICO that isn’t doing so well (btw, first rule of betting = never bet what you can't loose)?

If you said "yes" or "mabey" to at lease one let me drop facts... all are highly stressful - stress is deadly. I am not into crytpo shamming, I'm a dead ringer for two of these myself. So believe me when I say I'm not doing that here.

I'm simply saying to take a page out of some of the biggest faces in crypto and take a step back. Disconnect once in a while. Be grateful for what and who you already have, don’t stress too much about what you want. The world of Bitcoin and cryptos is a highly stressful world. Stress is the biggest killer. Even people in peak physical form break down from mental strain in the blink of a moonshot or reversed shoulder.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. Bitcoin and crypto will still be around even if you take a week-long vacation. Do it now. The investment will be worth it.


Investing In Learning Something New

"Mo-m! This lady is making sense again!"
When learning something new, the brain releases endorphins, making you happy! Bitcoin technology is a lot to process. There is always something new to learn every hour. Take the time to invest/ upvote in articles (like this one) about Bitcoin or any of the related technologies like... cryptography, blockchains, and even economics and monetary policy. Learn to code if you haven’t yet, learn public speaking and explain Bitcoin to groups of people, literally anything new to learn will give you points to win. You will stay sharp and be able to face the day to day stuff with a better state of mind.


Investing In Meaningful Relationships

Are you a parking ticket for Reddit, always trying to get validation? Always on Twitter getting your flame on about which version of Bitcoin is better or in defense of Bitcoin? Congrats, you're now what Harley Quinn is to Joker of the bitworld. I have personally seen relationships break down because of obsession, (gamers I'm looking at you). If you already have one, don’t let Bitcoin or any kind of work get in the way your meaningful relationships. It's exciting and we get passionate about it, but if it is at the expense of new and meaningful relationships developing, or worse, breaks down existing meaningful relationships, then I guarantee it won’t be worth it.

Make sure to visit your parents if they are still around, because they wont be around forever. You can earn back lost money, but you can never get back precious time spent with your loved ones. Invest more in that. You will never regret it.


Investing In Your Character

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it! Invest in making yourself a better version of who you were yesterday. Be more courageous. Try new things. Stay humble. Take time for fun! Make new friends. Always be curious. Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more successful, people who can teach you something. Appreciate the present and let go of your toxic relationships. Find work that gives you fulfillment.

Bitcoin is important, yes, but a lot of people have developed an unhealthy obsession about it — just check twitter.


Yes, I used a clickbaity title to make you have feels. Sue me. I don't act like it, I'm a cuddly she-wolf, but I do care about our direction as a species. Each individual is just as important as the whole. We are Goddesses/ Shakti and galaxies not unto our own selves. We need, now more than ever, to remember it. Your life is an occasion. Rise to it!

Happy holidays everyone :)


I really, really enjoyed this article. It reminded me that I needed to sleep more.

Yes sleep is very essential. I may do a post on sleep benefits and draw backs but only if I get enough requests for it.

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Welcome to Steemit! Great article!!!!

Hi @nadiasilver3, thank you for such caring post! I've found your post throught Appreciator's WOW FACTOR post. Great and educational read. I especially liked this part:

Make sure to visit your parents if they are still around, because they wont be around forever. You can earn back lost money, but you can never get back precious time spent with your loved ones. Invest more in that. You will never regret it.

So true! And you've put it very beautifully into words! Thank you!
All the best to you!

I'm so glad you like this part. It's very personal to me as I live in WA and my mother lives in D.C. You can imagine it's very hard to visit. But we def make the effort.

I understand that. My time management is not always very great, and what you've written about the possibility of earning back lost money, but impossibility of getting back the gone time is ingenious in its simplicity. May I go through 2018 with this thought in my mind ;) And I wish us spending the biggest possible amount of time with our beloved ones! :)