Bitcoin News | Roger Ver Loves Lightning Network, Tone Vays Debate, Bitcoin Cash Football - Official Channel
Published on Jun 23, 2018
Nandibear's thoughts on Episode 8:
Friday (June 22) at the Tokyo, Japan office!
In this new episode (#8) of Roger Ver's weekly Bitcoin roundup show we are introduced to a new member of the BCH Gang, Alfonso Rocha ( Wallet lead developer)!
Lots to discuss including, though not limited to, the following:
Centbee, a new Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet in South Africa.
There's long road map ahead for the wallet (apparently some big surprises are arriving soon!)
The Bitcoin Cash mempool got up to 30MB recently (max block size is 32MB, and most pools at the moment are only configured for up to 8MB blocks). (a new site to visualize the contrast between the crowded BTC mempool (1MB blocks) vs BCH mempool (32MB blocks). Note: dot Cash domains are becoming very popular!
The decentralized marketplace OpenBazzar is mentioned (buy and sell with Bitcoin Cash)!
Btw, if anyone reading here would like to join OpenBazzar (as a buyer, seller or moderator) I recommend downloading the dapp (decentralized application) and then connecting only through TOR (you wont type anything in the Tor browser itself, or view anything within the Tor browser itself, but the dapp will connect through Tor). If you connect just one time without TOR your IP addresses will forever be known as being associated with your OpenBazaar peer ID (you could of course start over and get another ID of course). In any event, Linux is probably the easiest way to use the dapp with Tor but there are some very helpful videos tutorials out there for setting everything up on Windows.
Lightning Network (LN) is discussed. It's not working and even if it was we don't want off-chain transactions. Roger Ver indicates that he is interested in the Lightning Network but more so as interesting technology.
I agree. Perhaps we can find a different use case for LN? Maybe we can find some other use case for Lightning Network other than destroying Bitcoin. Maybe it (or at least some part of LN) could be used, somehow, at exchange sites?
- Inflation in Venezuela is discussed. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) would be most useful in Venezuela right now and would make a gimungous difference!
I've seen some remarks online indicating that paper money is being weighed, rather than counted. I hope it's not really that bad yet but I don't doubt that this might be happening.
- is mentioned. They've been accepting Bitcoin Cash (BCH) payments for a while now, and that's excellent! However, apparently on the backend they aren't paying merchants (or anyone else using their invoice service) in Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
Hey Bitpay, rather than converting the BCH into BTC or USD please add an option for BCH payout!
Let's start setting up BCH meetups (anywhere, everywhere)! Need help with this? Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Are you interested in getting started in bitcoin cloud mining? If so, please head over to! Accepted payment methods are BCH or BTC!
and forum and
good job @nandibear Roger ver selalu bisa memberikan informasi yang sangat baik, Keren Sekali
English language comment: Hey @pakwa.cungkrieng I agree, Roger does provide us with very helpful information! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!
Indonesian language comment: Hey @pakwa.cungkrieng Saya setuju, Roger memberikan kami informasi yang sangat membantu! Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan berbagi pendapat Anda!
sama sama @nandibear saya juga senang bisa membantu kamu
Roger bitcoin yang sangat berkualitas dan bermamfaat ,post yang sanggat bagus dan bermamfaat ,saya sangat suka post bapak,salam steem pak,saya akan tunggu informasi bapak selanjutnya
English language reply: @safwan.efendi, I agree, Roger is a VERY qualified person to speak about Bitcoin (BCH or BTC). I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts regarding Roger's weekly bitcoin round show!
Indonesian language reply: @safwan.efendi, Saya setuju, Roger adalah orang yang SANGAT memenuhi syarat untuk berbicara tentang Bitcoin (BCH atau BTC). Saya menghargai Anda mampir dan berbagi pendapat Anda tentang acara putaran bitcoin mingguan Roger!
Saya akan selalu tungu informasi bapak,salam steem pak
Roger bitcoin yang sangat bagus,saya sangat suka post bapak salam pak,saya akan tunggu post bapak selanjutnya
English language reply: Hey @mahfuzcfc, good to meet you and thanks for stopping by and talking the time to share your thoughts with us regarding Roger Ver's weekly bitcoin roundup show!
Indonesian language reply: Hai @mahfuzcfc, senang bertemu dengan Anda dan terima kasih telah mampir dan berbicara waktu untuk berbagi pemikiran Anda dengan kami mengenai acara bitcoin mingguan Roger Ver!
Helpful guys are doing great.
Hello @soumon, thanks for stopping by and showing your support! That's great that you found Roger's video to be helpful!
a helpful video for us about bitcoin.
Thank you.
Hi @raselkhan566, you're welcome, no problem. I'm glad that you found Roger Ver's weekly bitcoin roundup show to be helpful!
Informasi yang sangat bagus tentang bitcoin
This video is very helpful for me. You are very great man. Thank you.