Excellent video, how much longer before we see banks in depression and eventually acceptance of bitcoin?
Seems like they're still between the anger and bargaining phase with so much bitcoin banning in China.
While at the same time lots of Banks are trying to do "a bit of Blockchain"
@neonuke - Previous patterns show that Feb 2019 = Sept 2013 in bitcoin. You know what happened by Nov 2013. I believe that early 2020's will bring major shifts in monetary policy, decrease in power of the big banks and probably the end of the Federal Reserve system of banking. I think 2018 will bring significant FUD, but I expect bitcoin to still go up and have a net increase in value. The 3rd world will be brought out of the abyss of the underprivileged because many of them have cell phones and little more than a mycelium wallet for remittances.
One day a Mexican illegal will get sick of Western Union's 15% fee, put $100 in a bitcoin transaction and the next day it will be worth $1000 instead when it crosses the border to his family. When this happens, it will be game over for central banks. Banks will of course still have a role, but their influence will be drastically reduced. It's what Andreas Antonopoulos calls "infrastructure inversion".