No, the fees are not higher than any other exchange, are you mad? Any exchange that offers margin trading charges you fees on the value of the order, not the value of your equity. So if you enter with a liquidity-taking order and exit with a liquidity-making order, BitMEX with charge you a net 5 basis points, and e.g. Bitfinex will charge you 30 -- in both cases, on the entire order amount.
The fact that Bitfinex only gives you up to 3.33x leverage doesn't make their fees "lower".
Lol, I wrote the a long time ago based on the reviews from others and them not allowing me to use bitmex because I live in the united states. No personal experience of my own, except for the fact that I was rejected from the exchange. Also was pretty noobish to trading and exchanges back then.
Well said comment, thank you for correcting my inaccuracies.