STEEM, SBD, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash Price Data - 2018-01-30

- current rank: 26
- current price:
- 5.07777 USD
- 0.00049355 BTC
- 24 hour volume: 41884900.0 USD
- 24 hour percent change: -13.82%
- market cap: 1258003514.0 USD
- current rank: 271
- current price:
- 5.68353 USD
- 0.00055243 BTC
- 24 hour volume: 10605300.0 USD
- 24 hour percent change: -15.85%
- market cap: 43420686.0 USD

- current rank: 1
- current price:
- 24 hour volume: 8738890000.0 USD
- 24 hour percent change: -7.55%
- market cap: 175695831321 USD
Bitcoin Cash
- current rank: 4
- current price:
- 24 hour volume: 651584000.0 USD
- 24 hour percent change: -8.49%
- market cap: 25689877352.0 USD
Thanks so much for spending time bringing all information to us. Great work!
Thanks sir
Thanks for this detailed update sir
Thank you for contacting Support for questions related to the EOS Token Distribution, including technical questions related to the smart contract, is only available for eligible participants. before we are able to provide support, please respond to this email and confirm that:
You have read the EOS Token Distribution Purchase Agreement;
You are not a U.S. citizen, resident, or entity;
You are not a citizen of or resident of the People’s Republic of China or an entity formed under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (each a "Chinese Person") UNLESS you have purchased EOS Tokens prior to the September 4, 2017 revision of the Purchase Agreement
So much for fairness and equality I guess were all equal in less were American or Chinese , I thought the whole idea with this block chain was furnace and equality for all people know matter where you come from what religion you are what sex equality for all and privacy in a D centralized system and less you’re an American or Chinese doesn’t quite seem fair and equal to me just saying
fhoto my inspiration, a picture worth the thumbs acungi ..
Thanks for sharing this @netuoso. I'm very interested in price actions at the moment, so this is a very simple way to be updated.
I work full time in cryptocurrencies between ICO consulting, online course creation and now blogging. I had a look at your profile and saw that you are heavily involved in this platform - I would be more than happy to get more involved in the platform and I am actively seeking opportunities to do so.
If there is any way that I could help, let me know and we can talk more on Discord.
Thank you @netuoso, the whole cryptocurrency market to the bottom. The Davos meeting gave impetus to the real economy, attentive because a rise may come in the coming hours
I am personally impressed by the performance of STEEM and SBD. I am convinced that they will soon take over the crypto market. Thanks for this post @netuoso
Thank you for making all of us updated. This is very informative. :)
I vote you in vote witness.
Amazing ilmu steem @netuoso