Name Symbol Volume (24h) Price % 24h
1 Riecoin RIC $330.018 $0,010712 -79.99%
2 Vcash XVC $90.950 $0,023724 -74.49%
3 Nexium NXC $227.780 $0,046739 -46.19%
4 FoldingCoin FLDC $496.866 $0,005773 -39.65%
5 Bitcrystals BCY $268.401 $0,130444 -38.85%
6 Engagement Token ENGT $638.996 $0,012074 -37.80%
7 PinkCoin PINK $438.340 $0,007157 -35.55%
8 HollyWoodCoin HWC $193.958 $0,470041 -34.85%
9 SalPay SAL $144.532 $0,038040 -33.75%
10 FlorinCoin FLO $276.724 $0,035562 -30.86%
LomoCoin is a great value buy here imo!
20x to it's all time high and lots of great dev work done on their amazing app since then.