To give credit where credit is due, you picked coins that are very risk adverse compared to the rest, so it's not bad financial advice.
Less of a gamble and less of a return, but higher probability of a positive return. So quality advice.
Not trying to be a debbie downer here, but you mentioned 6 coins in the top 10 spots as far as market cap goes.
Eth - 2nd place
Bitcoin Cash -3rd
Dash -5th
Litecoin - 6th
IOTA - 8th
Monero - 9th
Again I'm not trying to bash, but I would be interested (and maybe others who are new to the space and follow you) to hear your opinion on altcoins
say past the top 50.
Yes they're more risky investments, but there are some hidden gems out there too.
If you've already made a video about the other coins like I just mentioned then just disregard this post....this was the first post I've ever read from you so I'm a newbie to your page ;)
Anyways, cheers and I followed you.
PS - Please don't take this comment the wrong way. I LOVE the crypto community and only want to support it and definitely don't want to create enemies or drama. Hugs and Kisses 😘 😘 😘