Bitcoin mining is profitable or not now...??????.....

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hello friends,
All of you worry about Cripto market is downtrend. Especially Altcoins holders are worried about their recovery.


Introduction -
This blog is all about bitcoin mining related information . As you can see bitcoin mining is being to difficult day by day. For long time investers in bitcoin mining is profitable.

Why is hashrate increasing ?????

In bear market bitcoin mining is less profit so there are so many reasons

1 . Need more electricity and engry

2 . Resources are using for mining is very expensive.

3 . Mining difficulties in mining frim

4 If Bitcoin price fell down then investors feel difficulties than hashrate fall down proposnal to bitcoin price trend.

Conclusion -
However bitcoin hashrate increasing at exponential through in bear market 2018. Genius mining CEO twitted that mining will be profitable for long term and mid term. He also said some miner are using more advance equipment that produce more profit, it means bitcoin mining hashrate increasing. All of us are waiting digital asset will soon recover from their dip.
See you in next blog !

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Rajendra Kumawat

