$ 183 million in ETH moved with $ 0.06 fee.
ETH block 6556384 went through 5080 confirmations to transfer $ 183,000,000 with $ 0.06. it took 19 hours.
ETH transaction fee was lower than what Western Union charges for sending $ 50. Western Union should have sent the same amount by taking out $ 120 off each $ 3,000 transferred. PayPal should have transferred $ 183 million by charging a $ 5.3 million fees in an average East-to-West payment corridor.
despite its innovation, cryptocurrencies see lower adoption rates compared to PayPal and Western Union, because they are volatile. what’s more problematic is liquidity. the exchanges responsible for interchanging fiats and cryptos are less liquid than required in the absence of 1) banking partners and 2) regulations.
many Silicon Valley engineers are leaving tech giants like Facebook and Google for blockchain start-ups.
BTC circulation and payment in China is not illegal.
new protocol lets EOS dapps teleport tokens from ETH.
EOS has seen unique daily users surge by 500 % to 60,000.
wrapped BTC: BTC-backed ERC20 tokens are coming in 2019.
BTC is property of economic value: Chinese court.
Binance and Bittrex will slash XMR withdrawal fees thanks to Bulletproofs.
LTC core 0.17 will beat BCH on cost and speed.
IOTA Foundation is inviting researchers to test Trinity wallet in their bug bounty program.
ETH and XRP will outcompete BTC’s dominance in coming years – Nigel Green.
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