Going Nowhere: Lessons from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Etc.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

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All over the world people are kicking themselves for not having bought Bitcoin or for letting it go - and it's no wonder, today Bitcoin reached $2500. I have many friends saying they want to buy Bitcoin or that they are going to buy Ethereum as they expect it will do something similar to Bitcoin and then...they just keep talking, on repeat, and they completely fail to action - they are paralyzed by useless fears over "bubbles" and "bring ripped off" and the list of excuses goes on and on.

If the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step then the journey into the land of wealth begins with a single dollar. How can you gain anything if you won't risk anything? Better yet, how can you make appropriate decisions if you aren't even sure what a risk actually is? Bitcoin isn't the risk - the federal reserve issued currency is. Ethereum isn't the risk, the pension fund is.

The point I'm trying to make is simple: Get in and swim because it's not the sinking of the Titanic - it's a nice tropical coral reef dive spot and you're going to love it when the sea turtle comes by. The rules are different in Crypto-Land - like anywhere else it will have it's ups and downs but that's no reason not to get in and enjoy it. Bitcoin isn't just something with a big dollar sign on it - it's actually a better money which means a better world. Ask to be paid in Bitcoin, ask to buy coffee in Bitcoin, tell Starbucks you'd have stayed if they accepted Dash. Tell McDonalds to go f*ck themselves until they accept doge. The game only gets better when more people play - there is a place for you. Just because you didn't buy at $3 in 2011 doesn't mean that the party is over - there is still a long way up from here so you might as well start now because the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and the next best time is now.

So Just do it - buy some crypto and change the world (and it's not even close to being too late to make a killing buying bitcoin).

Originally Published on no-location.com