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RE: Bitcoin Diamond Already in Top4 Coins By MarketCap! And How Easy Is To Manipulate This.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

BCD is a nice improvement on BTC in terms of scalability. but i think the adoption of it will be very limited like it is for Bitcoin Cash. Honestly, I dont see it getting as popular or more popular than BCH either. I hope it does honestly. The supply increase and fees/transaction times are a lot better as far as I know.


Did you know bitcoin gold i now in the top 5

@sames yeah im not really a fan of bcg though. i like the bitcoin diamond and bitcoin cash forks a lot more for some reason. BCD will be in top 5 as well.

I am a fan of a future coin callwd bitcoin shadow

@sames never heard of that. honestly im tired of all the bitcoin forks. i only like BCD cause they have a 210 million coin limit. 10x as many as btc or any of the other forks which is nice. btc is overrated though. too slow and fees are too high.

im investing all my money in bitshares, basicattentiontoken, and ardor. and of course steem. i also like IOTA because it has offline transactions and 0 fees. theres tons of better coins than bitcoin out there. but these are my favorites right now.

Golem is another one with a lot of potential if it all works according to plan. I also like Cardano, Lisk, and MaidSafeCoin too. I wish i had more money haha I want to invest in all of these!

Bitcoin has so much potential but the community is not working together. The lighting network in theory could process about a billion transaction as second. Segwit is like .00001% of the lighting network. Bitcoin is slowly truing into digital gold. Gold is old. Bitcoin is old. Everyone know gold has value so does bitcoin. Gold is to heavy to move. Bitcoin has to many fees(current form) to move. Gold is not changed much. Bitcoin not fucking changed much.

Here my coin list= Eos,steem,maidsafecoin,filecoin,eth, neo, bitcoin Bitcoin with the lighting network and 4 mb blocks would be faster, cheaper than any coin and almost be feeless like iota. And i was kidding about bitcoin shadow. It a fork i actually want.

LTC already uses lighning. its not that fast. faster but not billions a second lol/

bitshares is faster and handles more transactions than visa and mastercard combined. quicker too. iota is nearly instant. the bigger the iota network gets the faster the transaction gets and its built on a dag not a blockchain which is truely unique.

theres just far better technologies out there than btc. but btc will continue to rise in price just because its the poster boy of cryptos and the first in the market. its not going anywhere anytime soon.

not saying btc is super bad or anything. but its nowhere near as good or efficient as most other cryptos today. its old school. and theres bilderburgers behind it now which i absolutely do not like. i dont want the elites/globalist zillionaires having any control over anymore currencies. they already run all the fiat world banks. yuck.

look it up. theres bilderburgers involved in btc now. theories around too that theyre trying to sabotage it which could be a reason why theres so much tension in the community and failure to implement the new better technologies. -_-

that y i see the fork kinda of a good thing. With every fork it takes out oppositions groups. Bitcoin unlimited taken out so segwit talks are going. Gpu people out in the diamond and gold fork. One fork over anonymity is needed to rake those people out. Maybe anther fork to the segwit2x supporter out. Leaving a much easier time fore core to do it thing. It going to be a messy year of forks in 2018 and we shall see if bitcoin aka bitcoin core survives

the lighting network in theory can process up to a billion transaction a second. Litecoin one has one protocol. With more research on lighting protocols lightning network alone can process up to a million a second by end of 2018.

@sames i like EOS. but im hesitant about it. still has a very long way to go and i dont like how they did their ico. i also dont like how they used ethereum as the ICO platform. the founder of EOS was a founder of bitshares. they shouldve held the ICO using BTS and the bitshares network. also dont like how the ICO was closed to US citizens.

its basically bitshares on steroids with a slightly different purpose. if they get a finished working product though it will be a good technology.