And then I sweeped too soon...

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Only in for the double now.

Used the updated CoinOmi wallet for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

And how about Bitcoin United?

Things not to do when just out off bed? Well I'd state: sweeping a paper wallet. Updated the CoinOmi Wallet (Android only) for it now supported Bitcoin Cash. If I want to secure my BTC {Bitcoin} and BCH {Bitcoin Cash} I just send them to a paper wallet and if I want to return them I use the sweep function. If effect this moves the value in the paper wallet to a new address. And that is where I went wrong. Because it does not import the private key, instead it creates a transaction that moves the value connected to it to an address made by the App. That is all about the recovery of ones wallet. Guess I am losing my touch, more and more.

Now I have my portion of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash in my CoinOmi Wallet, but I lost the use of my paper wallet private key. Because that I was supposed to use for the Bitshares version of Bitcoin. And I wanted to buy some HERO on that platform. Gaining 5% in purchase power every year, to compensate for the annual devaluation of the Euro. Lack of coffee, to eager to try it. While I only had needed to sweep the paper wallet private address for Bitcoin Cash. Therefore, if you want to get a hold of the expected Bitcoin United version on the Bitshares blockchain, wait before you sweep. That is if you had gotten hold of the Bitcoin private key(s) before the split.

Have not seen the next Bitcoin Cash block mined yet. But that is due to the extremely high difficulty they inherited from the Bitcoin Core blockchain. For Bitcoin it takes 2016 blocks to change. That means two weeks of mining and I do not know if Bitcoin Cash had it changed. Because that still seems to be some tough cookie to break. The split is a fact, but how does it move on from here. The total market price for both Bitcoin versions combined is about 3100 USD. So that is a gain for all those who have both now. What is next? Well, I am totally off right now, it seems. So I just let it be.

Have a great one!

The Bitcoin Run, the split is a fact.

image cc-by-sa @oaldamster


And how about Bitcoin United
I like post feri

No clue.

good work

Bitcoin Cash is going down

Currently it is going up. Together with BTC they are almost at 3200 USD. That looks like Bitcoin Cash mainly gets new investors.

No idea where this will go...

ook als je je Pkey hebt
ze doen mooilijk
zelfs in de tresor etc
ben je jouw btc dan verloren?
hopelijk niet!
ik duim voor je!
mischien kan je ze wel bellen?

Weet niet of je in Trezor je private key kunt opvragen.
Zou eigenlijk wel zo horen.

Zelf heb ik onze BTC private keys in eigen beheer. Dacht alleen dat ik omdat ik ze gesweeped had nu de keys niet meer voor BTC United kon gebruiken.

Maar na even buiten te zijn geweest in de zon, had ik een aha-moment.

BTC.BTS (Bitshares versie) gaat uit van de waarde die een adres had voor de splitsing. Tenminste dat las ik. Daarvoor hebben ze een moment opname van de BTC blockchain gemaakt.

Dat zou betekenen dat het niet uitmaakt dat ik na de splitsing een sweep gedaan heb. Hierbij scan je private key code in van bijvoorbeeld een paper wallet. De inhoud daarvan wordt dan doorgestuurd naar een nieuw adres in je huidige wallet. (Zelf gebruik ik CoinOmi daarvoor.)

Dit adres is gemaakt door de wallet zelf en kan altijd hersteld worden met een paraphrase.

Hier kan ik ook niemand voor bellen. Omdat ik de private keys al zelf in mijn beheer had.

Maar goed, er is dus nog van alles mogelijk. En we hebben onze BTC hier nog. ;-)

Yup, at the moment. Put I assume that people will dump their Bitcoin Cash coins soon.

Thought some things were improbable lately that proved me to be posible. So I'm going to go with that it is likely it will get dumped. But, even though improbable that it won't, stranger things have happened.

We'll see, I'm going to enjoy the sun for now.

We will. Good call with the sun :D