Thank you, it was quite a long read, appreciate that you made it all to end.
Do not know if the original group Satoshi Nakamoto could be charged with criminal offenses. And maybe it is a bit far fetched. But it seems that the B2X creator(s) does not want to rely on it. If the group did indeed set 2 million aside to counter a possible huge split attack, meaning getting to about 33% of the BTC market cap, BCH being the one most likely to get there, then the solution would be simple. Dump all Bitcoin Cash they hold in one go on all possible popular markets. End BCH...
Would such a blockchain split attacker not get passed 20 percent within a couple of months then it would probably drop in value after that. And no need to give away the secret safety backdoor.
With Schnorr signatures coming and SegWit getting adopted by big players like Bitpay I do not think it is even needed to take these kind of drastic measurements. Although they could cash in when they did dump their unspend BCH...
European based group?
In the whitepaper there is an email address connected to the Satoshi Nakamoto group. This is by a German based email service that, in the time the whitepaper was published, was mainly used by Europeans. In that time I did use it myself and if I remember correctly the interface was in German, but my memory may be wrong there.
The market for GMX was basicly aimed at the German speaking part of Europe in that time. But I really have to dig into the past for that more deeply to find out if this is a correct assumption. Yet, I can state that is was basicly a European email service with its roots in Germany, not really well known outside of Europe.
So maybe my claim is a bit to bold there, as it is merely based on an email address. The internet knows no borders, and it might even be the case that the Satoshi Nakamoto developement group had members from all over the world. But that the mail admin was based somewhere in Europe.
Most important thing for me is that more people start to question the alleged claims connected to the Bitcoin whitepaper. Like the plural form we it is written in.
The reason a Germany based mailservice was used could have a different reason all together, just like the name Satoshi Nakamoto may hold some crypto puzzle itself.
Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it.
I think the german e-mail address was well observed, but it could well be intended distraction, just like the Japanese pseudonym might be a distraction. I have heard that linguists tried to find out the nationality from wringing style, but the English is so plain and short, that’s its hard to say. Other people observed satoshis posting times and I think they do suggest a location in a European country. But who knows, maybe it is someone who only works at night.
As for criminal pursuit, if Satoshi would be discovered, the same thing would happen as with Ross Ulbricht. If you don’t know, then I recommend watching the movie deep web. There are plenty of reasons why governments would do anything to (try to) shutdown bitcoin.
It’s all not criticism, only additional information. To destroy bitcoin with 2m coins sounds logical, but is it? What would happen if the unspent Bitcoins would be released? Yes the price would go down because supply increases. But uncertainty would decrease as well, because people don’t have to fear those unspent coins anymore. In 2014, bitcoin experienced a 70% drop in price and as we all know now - that’s not the end of bitcoin.
It could be all done to distract. Maybe also to be sure they do not end up like Ross... Precaution was maybe a good idea.
And no, I do not see it as logical for the creators of Bitcoin to try and destroy it with the unspend 2 million. That is not what I am thinking it could be used for.
My idea was that in case of a blockchain split attack, like Bitcoin Cash did, they holders of those 2 million Bitcoin BTC also hold 2 million BCH after the split. They would not harm Bitcoin BTC, as it is the one they made.
But, they could defend Bitcoin BTC against the value looter by dumping the equivalent of 2 million BCH on all possible markets. That is what I was writing about. And it might be the way you wrote, that even if they did it would first create a big dip and then after that it would go up again.
The reason there is 2 million Bitcoin BTC unspend does not matter for the original Bitcoin blockchain, that Core is working on, I think. The orginal Satoshi Nakamoto group would only use it on a split attacker. Something that those behind the fake SegWit2X are trying to work around by blocking the cloned unspend 2 million holding addresses (claimed to be of the Satoshi Nakamoto group) and premining another 2 million B2X for themselves.
At least, that is my theory. If it is ment to work that way, we might never find out.
They even might just have lost their wallet and the private keys of the unspend addresses... ;-)
Time will tell! Thanks for the discussion @oaldamster!
The crypto future will be very exciting!
Thank you too @ghaaspur!