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RE: Bitcoin cash warz

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thank you, it is strictly as seen from my personal point of view.

Will Bitcoin Cash, BCH, become a standard on its own, like Bitcoin, BTC, tough question...

First, I do believe the forces behind the Bitcoin (cash) Satoshi's Vision do want to enforce their own business central controle standard. Meaning they want their version of Bitcoin to become an integrated part of the realm of banks, governments and multinationals.

And again, this is what mister Wright, of the nChain company, has been very open about all the time. It is just business and within the old economy model this means BCS {Bitcoin (Cash) Satoshi's Vision} will become monopolized. Like Android is owned by Google and is still Open Source. Or Apple is Open Source based, yet still is closed source themselves. Both have become their own standards. So in that sense, yes, BCS (probably a better ticker for Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision) could become a standard in their own field. Just like Ripple, for instance.

Bitcoin, BTC, and other Cryptos that follow the path of the truely decentralized free and open source realm will be a standard of its own. Colaboration will be key there, to create means for humanity to live free and substantive. To me that is what Cryptos are about. To be an unique alternative system. This does not mean though that banks, governments and multinationals will not try to get in control. As it can also be seen as a very lucrative market. Or as mister Wright puts it: 1.5 trillion in potential revenue a year.

For some of the early hour Libertarians, Ancaps and Voluntaryist it might be difficult to explain why the still endorse a business take-over like Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision, BCS(?). But I guess it shows what they are really about.

To me it just made me convinced more about what part of the Crypto realm I support. And I am also very aware of the reality that a lot of people will choose the other side of that.

To finalize this, yes, as I see it, in a sense BCS will try to become a kind of financial industry business standard. It will be intertwined with the old economy, made up of banks, governments and multinationals. Where the needed infrastructure to make this possible will be so extremely demanding that is will become centrally controlled.

On the other side there will be the Cryptos, like Bitcoin, BTC, that can be participated in by every human. It will be truly decentralized, free and open sourced, a substantive standard on its own. With its own unique economy, for many around the world a digital form of 'cold-hard-cash'. Creating freedom for the many.

That last one I prefer and expect Bitcoin, BTC, still to be the most valuable. Like the digital equivalent of gold.