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RE: Human Laziness Can Predict the Future of Money

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Laziness also trumps privacy. Take home automation; communication between you and your house is mostly done through the cloud, so it becomes quite easy to add to the huge data-gathering databases each and every light you switch on, curtains you close, your thermostat settings, and whatnot, in addition to your television, media viewer, and chromecast phoning home all the time, your locations being mapped, and your purchases being analysed.

Nobody cares about such things as long as it is convenient.

You are spot on: the first cryptocurrency that is properly marketed as a currency and can be used by vaguely waving your phone in the direction of your computer or a sales point will win. In the absence of that, fiat money will win. If it is a bank that is the first to come up with such a simplification, the banks will win even when cryptocurrencies survive.