Makes me wonder what will happen when stocks and currencies crash. Normally gold n' silver go up as a haven of safety. But will cryptos cannibalize some of the market? We'll see.
Makes me wonder what will happen when stocks and currencies crash. Normally gold n' silver go up as a haven of safety. But will cryptos cannibalize some of the market? We'll see.
Also, my ideal investment portfolio (40% gold n' silver, 30% stocks n'bonds, 30% crypto) haha
Crypto's have an Achilles heel that gold does not have when used as a digital currency. A crypto cannot transact P2P in the face of a fiat asking price. It must always make a hop. This is not the behavior of a currency because it actually relies on currency in order to bridge it into the real economy.
Crypto can be used to buy things but if it cannot transact with debt-free settlement as a popular currency, what true effect can it provide in the macro challenge of supporting the purging of debt based currency ? Debt must be purged, systemically ! True debt-free P2P is vital to this debt purging mission statement.