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RE: Safely Claiming Bitcoin Fork Coins Like Bitcoin Cash

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Great post Luke. Very concise and easy to follow. I've been debating on whether to do this money grab with BCC (that's the way I see it, but I could be wrong) and had decided against it b/c I wasn't 100% comfortable with "how" to do it properly. Well, you just solved that with your post, lol. I've learned my lesson with trading and know I'm more comfortable simply investing, (buying and holding) so I'm going to refrain from participating and just hold my BTC.

One question I'd love to hear your take on is Polo in regards to them disabling the ability to withdraw Steem. What is really going on here? There's a pretty good disparity between the price of Steem on Polo vs Bittrex and I've thought of buying some Steem on Polo and just waiting it out until they fix their issue, but something definitely doesn't feel right. Would really like to hear your opinion regarding this issue.


It's still down, huh? Man, sorry to hear that. I was quite happy to get my 3,000 Steem out. After that drama, I don't trust Polo. I won't use them again if I can avoid it. I don't know what the deal is there. Maybe try tweeting at the guy I tweeted at and see if that moves things along?

You could take the risk... does show quite a gap (almost $0.25). But... yeah. You might learn another lesson if you take that risk.

I'd really love to see STEEM trading everywhere.