in #bitcoin7 years ago

For which most of cryptocurrency community blame Nobuaki Kobayashi.
This Guy sold BTC and BCH worth over $400 MILLIONS!Over the past months, we've been witness of huge drop in #Bitcoin prices...

Details regarding #Bitcoin sale were disclosed on March 7 by trustee of Nobuaki Kobayashi, it shows that he sold over 35,000 #BTC and 34,00 #BCH for $400 MILLION. This amount corresponds to the number of claims against MT.GOX. In 2014 hackers broke into MT.GOX - Japanese based #BTC Exchange, and stole over 750.000 of customers #BTC, and around 100,00 of its own #BTC. It was worth around $473 MILLION at that time. After bankropt, they claimed that they found 200000 #BTC worth $115 MILLION in their old wallet. So total lost down to 650.000 from 850.000. And now, these found bitcoins have been SOLD, actually just some of them. This sale took place from December 2017 till February, which would cover to the last major #BTC value drops, aswell other alts.

Each subsequent sale of Bitcoins seemed to reduce price of #BTC... Till moment on February 5, when 18.000 #BTC were sold and the value of #BTC reached $5900. Since that moment, Bitcoin price rised and been growing, but then trustee, revealed that it is still in possession of about 166,000 BTC that can be sold further.

"I plan to consult with the court and determine further sale of BTC and BCC," - napisał.

One of the #reddit user, tracks the remaining portfolios of the trustee which you can watch on this page:


For more informations about #MTGOX see WIKI post :