BREAKING: Harvard economist says the state will destroy Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin technology is no more risky than the use of fiat money, but is subject to strong influence on the part of the authorities. This was stated by Harvard University professor, economist-libertarian Jeffrey Myron, writes Harvard Crimson.

He recalled that finance is not the first industry that people are trying to move into virtual space. Also, Myron sees no threat in the appearance of crypto-currency.

"Governments have no reason to worry about the ways and means of payment that are not regulated by the government," said Jeffrey Myron.

Along with this, in his opinion, bitcoin is unlikely to remain outside the supervision of the authorities, which can put an end to the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. 

"The government could release cryptocurrency with peace, allowing them to live peacefully and not accepting them as a means of payment, and I think that's what they should do. However, I think that sooner or later the authorities will deal with the regulation of digital currencies and they will live them out completely  "said Jeffrey Myron.

To recall, in October 2017, former IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff stated that governments would not allow the anonymous and unlimited Bitcoin system to expand further. He suggested that even if the introduction of regulations did not put an end to the existence of Bitcoin, its course due to this state intervention may eventually decrease.