If you could only invest in one cryptocurrency for the next year, what would it be? and why?

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)


Personally if I could only invest in one coin over the next year it would be iconomi. One interesting point I read on their website is as follows.

"You can create your own Digital Assets Arrays made up from a wide variety of digital assets. Manage, arrange, compare performance, attract investors, and collect fees as a Digital Assets Arrays manager. Discover rock-solid security, transparency, and intuitive tools and make your mark in the new distributed economy."

This is a very interesting idea, I have friends and family who want to invest in crypto currencies but don't know where to start and are not very tech savvy. If the platform allows me to build my own DAA and attract my own investors then I am very excited for the future of iconomi.

iconomi is like the ftse100 of the crypto market, iconomi will act like a index fund with their team investing in the top crypto currencies and because I believe the crypto market has only just begun, there is huge growth potential.

For more information check out the iconomi website here https://www.iconomi.net/


Iconomi is a huge project. Could change the crypto world big time and bring masses of people to it who wouldn´t otherwise touch it at all

Interesting, haven't heard much about iconomi. I'll have to check it out.

In my opinion this is the cryptocurrency I'm most excited about. its deflationary too they buy back their own coins on a weekly basis meaning each coin is worth more.

If ARK can pull of this smart bridge tech I think this could be massive for the future of the coin & it's still at a good entry point...

Not herd of that one il check it out

Steem. Investing by participating if that counts.